
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Moving Pictures

Moving Pictures is a poem I wrote a year or so after my parents passed away. I am blessed to have grown up in such a loving home with parents who taught me that life doesn't have to be perfect to be good, and neither does faith, so long as that faith is in a gracious God who loves his imperfect children with an oh so perfect love.

Moving Pictures

Familiar things
No longer common
Little nuances, small gestures
Gone from the every day world
Such inconsequential things
Once so numerous they cluttered my senses
And went unnoticed
Now counted and numbered
Like treasure grown more valuable with time
Not gone from my life
Just hidden away where,
Unlike treasures held in the hand
I can recall them easily
From flashes and small reminders
Of what I once took for granted
Imprinted like some rare film
Moving pictures with scent and sound
I close my eyes and wait, anticipating
While images emerge and voices echo
And…it is all there…
Loving eyes and gentle hands
Ageless faces, the first I knew,
Smiles and laughter, smells and tastes
Conversations-with words and without
Goodnight kisses and jigsaw puzzles
Lazy summer days in the shade
Tractor chugging in the distance
Cold winter evenings by the fire
Soft, deep voices, murmuring and chuckling
Love and humor and warmth and strength and
Joy, knowing they are with me still.

Thank you perfect Lord, for my imperfect parents who loved me and taught me to appreciate the unique imperfections in myself and those I love. Thank you for the one perfect truth that is Jesus, perfect Word made imperfect so he could be the perfect sacrifice for the sins of an imperfect world. Amen.


  1. Wow - this is a powerful poem Carol! Do you mind if I share it with my Grief Support group....I think they would really like it!

  2. Absolutely! I would be honored to have you share it.
