
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

And the walls come tumblin' down

 Our "comfort zones" have been a frequent topic of discussion around our house for awhile now. When we joined the First Place 4 Health group in January, Jerry and I realized to lose weight we needed to push ourselves out of our comfort zones at the gym . Just last week one of the class instructors was explaining that in order to increase in strength, flexibility and endurance, we have to constantly push past our current level of comfort in our workouts. We have to challenge our bodies to keep improving, just as we have to challenge our minds to keep learning. The approach seems to be working for us, and we've both lost 15-16 lbs. Now Jerry is offering encouragement to our friends who want to drop a few pounds to step out of their comfort zone too.

There are all kinds of comfort zones. Humans are, by nature, creatures of habit and we tend to establish routines in our lives. It's just another form of control, though, and too much routine isn't good for us. Jesus was always shaking things up, challenging his followers to step out of their comfort zones. Of course the Pharisees were the easiest targets. Their comfort zones were well protected by thick walls of man-made traditions and religious laws.  But Jesus' teachings poked holes in those walls time after time. He dined with sinners and criminals; he taught men, women and children, Jews and gentiles; he healed the sick, cast out demons, fed the hungry and forgave sins even on the Sabbath; he brought the dead to life by the power of his spoken word.  Even as the wall of stone they hid behind split in two, or when the stone was rolled away to reveal Christ's victory, the terrified Pharisees still refused to be pried loose from their comfortable beliefs.

So what about me? I do okay pushing past that proverbial "wall" in my workouts, but what about in my spiritual life? I guess I'm doing that to some extent with this blog. Its challenges me to think about and elaborate on questions and ideas about my spiritual journey. It gives me a medium to explore and reflect on how Christ is touching me during this season of Lent. But I think that's why I was so uncomfortable sharing it at first. When I actually realized other people were reading it, I became fearful. It was different to write when I knew I wasn't the only person reading it. But I prayed about it and the Holy Spirit revealed it to me as an opportunity for me to share my love for Christ. Now I write freely and my prayer is for the Spirit to use my words and thoughts to glorify my Savior, not myself. I am just a vessel and I am blessed to be of use.  So where is this Lenten Journey taking me? I still don't know, but I hope it will continue to be beyond my comfort zone.

Walls Come Tumbling Down - Style Council

Jesus my Savior, may I never, ever deny your call for me to step out of my comfort zone in service to you and to my neighbor. Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in us the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and we shall be created and you shall renew the face of the earth. I will go Lord, as you lead me. I will hold your people in my heart. Amen.

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