
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Giving Christ Control

This is a bit different from most of my blog entries. Today is our wrap-up celebration of our 12-week First Place 4 Health Group. As our final assignment, we are summarizing the benefits of committing 12 weeks to God, allowing him to transform us through this program and Bible study, "Giving Christ Control." We are looking at four specific areas for significant impacts: mental health, emotional health, spiritual health and physical health. We are also reflecting on the relationships we have formed during this time.

I have to say up front that I started writing my Lenten Blog about halfway through this 12-week journey, so the two experiences are woven together for me, and I cannot reflect on one without reflecting on the other. God has used both of these tools to transform me, and I am doubly blessed by his grace and timing.

I have realized I need to be more mindful of my thoughts and my words. At the same time I am trying to become a better listener, focusing less on my own thoughts and words and more on the other person talking. For the last few years I have been searching for ways to "be in God's presence." I think this Bible Study has helped me realize the irony of those efforts because all I really have to do is to just "be present." To be still and quiet, let the future stay in the future, let the past slip into the past, and just be present, be here and now,  BE and not always DO.  Believe it or not, this is the mental change I am experiencing. It's about controlling my thoughts, focusing on what is positive so I can be encouraged and encourage others.

Perhaps I have been most profoundly impacted by this study emotionally. You see, for some years now, I have been going through a "blue period" some time between Christmas and Easter. Some years I get depressed, sometimes I'm just quiet and reserved. It drives Jerry up the wall because he thinks I'm mad. It's hard to explain, but I think it's partly chemical effects of the long, dark winter days. However, my Mom passed away in January of 2000 and my Dad in December of the same year, and I think that's when it started. This year I have been able to work through it and have hardly been affected at all. I attribute this largely to the Bible Study, the group support and journaling. Of course improving my diet and increasing my exercise probably hasn't hurt either!

With regards to impacts to my spiritual health, I really cannot separate Bible Study from blog. However, I can say that FP4H and the Bible Study have helped me develop this vehicle for sharing my spiritual journey. Obviously the fact that we have been doing this program during Lent has added an even greater spiritual dimension to the process too.  The scripture readings, memory verses, and especially the group discussions have sparked many of the ideas I've explored on my blog. All of these are helping me understand the areas where I need to give Christ control. For instance, I'm developing a better appreciation of my prayer life. I am more equipped to take advantage of quiet time when it presents itself, to reflect on, listen to and breath in the Holy Spirit of Christ.

One of the main reasons I wanted to join this group was to see if it could really help me to lose a few pounds. My diet was already pretty healthy, but it was definitely too much of a good thing. I needed to get a handle on portion control, be more mindful about what and how much I was eating, and increase my exercise. Using the food tracker helped me get my diet under control, and Jerry's advice to step out of my comfort zone at the gym helped increase the intensity and duration of my workouts. My goal was to lose about 14 lbs (according to my bathroom scale), and as of last week, I had lost 15. I had actually convinced myself that I would probably never get that weight off. The bad news is, because I thought that, I got rid of all those clothes that were too little. Oh well. I'm not complaining. I'm thrilled that this was so easy, but that's what happens when we let Christ have control. I pray for his continued guidance to help me keep the weight off and stay healthy.

I first learned about the First Place 4 Health program from Cathy two years ago. I am in a small group with she and Leslie, and after seeing the transformation they underwent, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically, I wanted to try it. Now I can honestly say that FP4H is an awesome program, and with this Bible Study, it has enabled me to change and improve my mental, emotional, spiritual and physical health by giving God control and taking responsibility for my choices. But it just wouldn't work without the support of the group. Each person in this group has encouraged me and blessed me with their fellowship, their shared experiences, and especially their prayers. I have also had the privilege to share with, encourage and pray for them as well, and I am grateful for these friends old and new. I have to say that I have been most encouraged by my husband and partner, Jerry. I wasn't sure he would do this with me, but once he committed to it, he was completely on-board. We have done the Bible study lessons together each morning and have had a lot of really good discussions. We have been a real team, holding each other accountable and inspiring each other to step outside our comfort zones. I am blessed to be married to my best friend and to have been able to share this experience with him.

Thank you good and gracious Father, you always know what I need.  Help me to commit my will to yours every day, giving you control and letting you lead me through the dance of life. You have blessed me with a partner to share my life with. Continue to bless us and our relationship, reminding us we can always give if we first take time to receive, to be filled so we can be emptied, to be made useful like broken shards of clay in the hands of the Potter. Amen.

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