
Monday, February 22, 2010

It's Like Pay it Forward, only Better

I read a devotional today about giving and receiving gifts. I didn't see a connection to anything else I've read today until I really thought about it. This morning's FP4H study was about using my words to encourage and lift others up. That is giving a gift. Then I read a devotional about not allowing bitterness over the past prevent me from bringing joy to someone else (Job 1:21). Again, giving a gift. Then I read another one about not neglecting to use the gifts that God has given to me (1 Timothy 4:14) because large or small, I have been given gifts to share that can only come from me. And finally, I have been trying to come up with an original and personal gift for a friend. I decided I would write a poem but as soon as I started forming the thoughts in my head, it turned into a blessing. A gift from the Holy Spirit, through me.

What then, do I have to give? I can give my time, I can give my effort, my money, my talent, even my prayers, but if I do not give it without my ego being involved, I am wasting my time (1 Corinthians 13). If I am going to give of myself, even if the gift comes from my heart, but then wait expectantly for recognition or a positive reaction, who am I doing it for?

The most important gift I have to give is my obedience. Those who have been on a Via de Cristo weekend know the "Holy Spirit Prayer:"

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in us the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and we shall be created, and you shall renew the face of the earth. O God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit instructs the hearts of the faithful, grant that by that same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever rejoice in his consolations. I pray that all my intentions, actions and works of this day may be directed solely to the greater glory of God's divine majesty. May the grace of God dwell always in me.

If I am the Child of God that I profess to be, then I will give of myself out of devotion to him. I will willingly be his hands, his feet, his presence in the world. I will do the work, whatever and wherever it presents itself. I will serve my Lord by serving others. I will take third place. Will I always do a perfect job? Not likely. Will I always enjoy the work? Probably not. But it's about my obedience to Christ and my willingness to go where the Holy Spirit leads me. That is the sacrifice that I can bring, and the gift I can always give. Because I have already received more than I can ever fathom.

Lord help me, every day, to receive the gift of your sacrifice anew. To unwrap it even as I unwrap myself, letting the worldly wrapping of selfish ego fall to the ground, and stepping forth as a new creation ready to do your will and share your gifts. Amen.

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